Mookie Betts Wears Shirt with Message: “We Need More Black People at the Stadium” by LA Clothing Company

In what has been a significant week for the franchise as they hosted the All Star Game on Tuesday, the Dodgers and Giants begin their major series tonight at Dodger Stadium.

However, there is one instance from that evening that people continue to discuss:

The season’s second half has already begun.

However, news sources all across the country are still discussing a statement made by Mookie Betts, a Dodger known for huge plays and big hits, at the All-Star Game.

Mookie Betts, though, had a strong message for Americans on Tuesday.

Betts donned a shirt that said, “We Need More Black People At The Stadium,” before the All Star Game.According to Casey Lynch, CEO of Bricks and Wood, the clothing business that made the shirt, “With Mookie Betts wearing it or not, this is what we were trying to strive for in the first place.”

The idea was developed a few weeks ago by the lifetime Dodger supporter.

Lynch stated, “We need to find out how to get more black folks in the stadium. We’re not here to beat about the bush or dance around the topic. “We built it because we adhere to the message, not because this period called for it.

The right fielder saw the shirt after it was posted on social media and informed his manager that he wanted to wear it on one of baseball’s greatest nights.

He wore it after getting it and said on Instagram, “We *will* diversify baseball,” after doing so.

To say that I’m grateful would be an understatement, according to Lynch.

Since that time, both the message and sales have exploded.

The company’s art director, Kevin Wong, remarked, “It’s basically a snowball effect.” “We’ve been packaging orders at the warehouse all week. It’s wonderful to know that the message is broader than us, not just for us.

This clothing firm was founded in 2015 and is expanding.

Lynch claims they communicate with their consumers through their products. Their most recent message was a home run thanks to the assistance of an All-Star.

Lynch stated, “The dialogue, the response is always the healthiest part for me. You don’t have to support it, you don’t have to like it. “I want it to carry on from here; I don’t want it to end.”

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